Terms and conditions

To access, visit, use or buy the products presented on the website www.h-metal.ro implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions listed below.

The copyright of www.h-metal.ro and all its elements (web graphics, texts, etc.) are the property of S.C. H Metal S.R.L and these are secured by law for the protection of copyright. The content of this website is provided for informational, non-commercial purposes only and may not be copied, reproduced, used, distributed, transferred, displayed, sold, licensed or used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the holder of the intellectual property rights.

The use without the consent of the company S.C. H Metal S.R.L of any element contained on this website is punished according to the laws in force.

h-metal.ro reserves the right to make changes and updates to these terms and conditions, and the offer, without prior notice and without specifying the reasons. Also, h-metal.ro reserves the right to correct any omissions and display errors that may occur because of typing errors or errors in the software products used to operate the website. Please carefully read the terms and conditions each time you use this website. Continued use of the website implies acceptance of the changes made.

S.C. H Metal S.R.L. reserves the right to select its clients.

For products whose unit of measurement specified in the product description is “kg” (kilogram), the specific weights for each product are only for information. Due to the size tolerances allowed by the product standards, the weight may be higher (positive tolerance) or lower (negative tolerance).

On products’ sale, we consider the calculation of weight according to the Specific Commercial Weight.

If the transport is the responsibility of S.C. H metal S.R.L., it will be performed only within the legal possibilities (size and weight limits to the place of unloading, necessary permits if applicable, etc.) and only if the place of unloading allows this (return space for the vehicle, there are no obstacles or dangers that may damage the vehicle, etc.).

If the driver finds that the unloading cannot be made, it will be carried out at the nearest possible location. S.C. H Metal S.R.L. is not liable for any costs arising from this situation.

The unloading of the materials at the indicated place is the liability of the buyer (except for the cases where it is agreed otherwise). The download shall be made as soon as possible. If the period from the moment the means of transport has arrived at the place indicated by the buyer until the unloading exceeds 4 hours, S.C. H Metal S.R.L. may charge the buyer additionally for the costs related to these delays.

In case the products are delivered by S.C H Metal S.R.L, the buyer has the obligation to receive these products.

If upon the receipt of the goods by the buyer there will be quantitative and/or qualitative differences towards the accompanying documents, this will be the subject of a protocol. Our company undertakes to remedy the findings in the protocol as soon as possible.

Group H - H Metal group operates in several fields.

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