The steel industry needs European funds and carbon dioxide cost compensation schemes

The energy-intensive industry in Romania, like the steel industry, needs European funds and state aid. All this to avoid the closure of some production units. Ionel Bors, director of ArcelorMittal Romania, said.

„To avoid the closure of a significant part of the steel industry in Romania. Also, and to ensure its future, maintaining the competitiveness of energy costs remains a priority: electricity and natural gas costs that are sustainable, predictable and affordable, to ensure fair competition on the international market. There are solutions (…) and they must target all energy costs”. Said Bors (director of ArcelorMittal Romania) in a conference on energy efficiency in the energy-intensive industry.

According to Bors, in the steel industry, the newest and most efficient technologies for reducing energy consumption and the impact on the environment are not accessible in the current situation, as they are expensive.

However, state aid for the steel industry in Romania is prohibited by EU legislation.

Bors mentioned among the possible ways of support for making these investments the access to European funds. Which should be allowed for the financing of energy efficiency and environmental projects. Also, the establishment of a scheme to ensure the indirect compensation of CO2 and state aid.

Bors added that between 2012 and 2015 ArcelorMittal is carrying out an investment project of over 150 million euros to reduce energy consumption and the impact on the environment.

The ArcelorMittal group has four production units in Romania, in Galati, Hunedoara, Iasi and Roman. ArcelorMittal exports more than 70% of its production from Romania.


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