Securing the pig farm fence

Securing pig farm fence

Raising pigs in pig farms presents many challenges, which is why it is necessary to securing the pig farm fence.

In the following we will talk about identifying high risks related to the lack of an adequate fencing system for a pig farm.

When there is no security fence at a pig farm there is a risk of intrusion. It brings with it the risk of biosecurity. Humans are the vector of transmission of pathogens, especially people who enter farms unauthorized.

Thus, by installing a high-security fence or by additionally securing the existing one, both the risk of theft/vandalization and the biosecurity risk are reduced.

People coming from outside the farm carry with them possible pathogens and during the theft they will come into contact with the animals in the farm.

Securing the pig farm fence – component elements

A high security fencing system for pig farmers can be composed of:

– concrete fence posts + concrete plates that form a pig farm fence of about H 2000 mm;

Securing pig farm fence

galvanized supports type Y for mounting the lammed wire;

– NATOI type Concertina slatted wire that makes it difficult to climb the fence.

The concrete fence for pig farms is fixed from the ground level upwards on a height of at least 2000 mm. This additional security system is mounted above the concrete fence.

The fixing of the galvanized Y supports on the top of the concrete columns is done with 2 metal concrete conexpands.

Through the holes of the arms (there are 2 on each arm) the galvanized support wire is passed. Over the galvanized support wire is mounted the Concertina NATO type BTO22 lammed wire with a diameter of 450 mm, in coils.

The NATO wire is fastened to the support wire, on each of the 4 rows, with metal staples, from meter to meter. Thus, the risk of NATO wire being removed is eliminated.

For example, on a length of 100 meters of fence on each of the 4 rows. It is caught from meter to meter, resulting in 400 catches.

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Other necessary investments

In order to reduce the risk of intrusion into pig farms, in addition to high security fences, the beneficiary must also consider the following investments:

– video surveillance system for the pig farm;

– unauthorized presence detection and alarm system;

– human and car access monitoring and control systems in the dedicated areas;

– contract with the security company for rapid intervention.

A high security fence does not eliminate the risk of intrusion. This fencing system hinders and delays the access of unauthorized persons. However, doubled by additional systems, it greatly reduces the risk of intrusion.

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Our company can deliver all the necessary materials. We can also install this fence system for the pig farm.

For a concert offer please send us some details accompanied by photos by email:

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